Artist: Kraal
Title: Full Helm and Packing Dentures
So what kind of armor could Morte wear, and what kind of weapons could he
use, I thought? This is what I came up with. Pencil sketch.
Artist: Kraal
Title: "Helm, give me strength!"
A planar paladin of Helm, looking a little worse for wear. Pencilled and
inked on tracing paper.
Artist: Kraal
Title: "Be wery wery qwiet..."
A female hunter/warrior with a really big sword and a nice collection of
trophies. Pencilled and inked on bristol.
Artist: JTS
Title: Human Fighter
He's a fighter... wearing spandex. Maybe it's
really silk, that's not so anachronistic, is it? I like the sword more
than the character, anyway.
Artist: JTS
Title: Human Thief
I bet it really hurts to be backstabbed with that. Actually, it was
designed more as a large blunt object to mug people with, but it has a
point, doesn't it?
Artist: JTS
Title: Horned Tiefling
He's a dragon, honest.
This was originally meant to be a picture of a half dragon.
Kraal assured me this looks like a Tiefling. Half demon, half dragon...
well, I got half of it right.