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Hargrimm felt a stirring of fear. The stranger could be right about Soego. What if Soego had gotten some hint of their greatest secret, and passed it to their enemy? Quickly he gathered a number of followers, found Soego, and they all returned to Soego's quarters, where Hargrimm confronted Soego

"Soego, what is this I hear of thee being in league with Many-As-One?"

"What?! It is untrue! A cruel rumor! A lie!" he replied, but he had broken into a sweat.

"Dare thou lie to the high priest of the Silent King?"

"No! No, Hargrimm, I would never presume..." He started, but Hargrimm cut him off.

"Where is thy journal? Let me see it. Prove thy innocence before the eyes of the Silent King." Realizing he was caught, he started pleading.

"I... I... I beg for your mercy, Hargrimm..."

"The Dead Truce shall protect thee here, Soego, but thou shall never leave these catacombs. Thou shall continue thy pursuit of thy precious 'True Death' here, alone... for the rest of thy days. Farewell."

"But... you... can't... nnnnARAGH!" Soego, enraged, transformed into a man-like rat.

"Mark my words, Living; only the Truce protects thee. Do not cast aside thy only shield so thoughtlessly." But Soego was too far gone to listen.

The wererat cried, "I won't be caged! Die!" Hargrimm called forth a spell which killed the creature before it could take a step. Hargrimm looked silently at the corpse a moment.

"It is done, then. May the Silent King protect us from such filth in the future."

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