Damage: 2-7 Slashing
Speed: 8
Weight: 8
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters
Primitive cultures often times used parts of
animals as weapons. This appears to be the horns
of some creature that have been made into a crude
batte axe of sorts. |
Damage: 3-10 Slashing
Enchanted: +2
.....+2 Slashing Damage
.....+1 to Charisma
.....+1 to Armor Class
THAC0: +2
Speed: 4
Weight: 4
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters
Usable only by Godsmen
"Ascension" is one of the finest weapons created at
the Great Foundry, the home of the Believers of the
Source. It is one of three weapons called the "Triad
of Tests", including the hammer "Reason" and the
dagger "Enlightenment". The symbol of the faction is
engraved on the axe head, and the edges of the
blades are so sharp they could split a hair lengthwise.
You are the first to bear this weapon.
Axe of the Jester
Damage: 1-2 Slashing
Enchanted: ???
Special: ???
THAC0: ???
Speed: 3
Weight: 2
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters
The person who created this axe must have been mad or a genius.
Only the most skilled of smiths could have forged a weapon
using Chaos Matter, the most unstable and unpredictable element
in all the planes.
Stories of this particular axe have been told and retold across
the planar universe. Heroic deeds of men defeating creatures
of immense power simply by touching the axe to the creature and
of these same men dying horrible deaths while doing simple every
day tasks.
Zaknar the Simple -- Defeated a devourer with a single swipe of
this axe. Crushed to death by a falling boulder in the vast plains
of Tabor.
Garkon the Righteous -- Struck by a mysterious discharge of energy
while fighting a cranium rat.
Kannas -- Tradesman by profession. Buried alive as the stone wall
the axe was mounted on collapsed on him.
Kvry Matterson -- A child of only nine seasons, was not only able
to ward off a group of marauding fire bats, he even managed to kill
2 of them!
The list of tragedies and deeds goes on and on.
Damage: 1-8 Slashing
Speed: 7
Weight: 7
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters
This huge axe is a double-bladed weapon topped
with a spike. The edges are razor-sharp, and the
long handle allows the wielder to put
considerable force into the swing. |
Axe Of Quality
Damage: 2-9 Slashing
Speed: 7
Weight: 8
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters
Intricate runes are etched on the shaft and the
blades of this axe. The edges of the axe are
razor-sharp; it looks like it would be possible
to shave with it, though that's not something
that you would try until you had consumed several
tankards of ale. The handle itself is made of
ironwood, and leather is wrapped tightly around
the handle to help secure the user's grip. |
Crescent Hatchet
Damage: 2-7 Slashing
THAC0: -1
Speed: 10
Weight: 10
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters
This huge hatchet has a crescent-shaped head. Although an
intimidating weapon, it looks more decorative than functional:
not only is it extremely heavy, but the balance is poor and
the edge is dull and pitted. Despit the difficulty in using
the hatchet in combat, the long handle allows the wielder to
put considerable force into the swing.
Edge of
Damage: 2-9 Slashing
Enchanted: +2
.....1-6 Cold Damage to target
.....+50% Resistance to Cold
.....+25% Resistance to Magical Cold
THAC0: +1
Speed: 8
Weight: 10
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters
Not usable by Good characters
When its powers are awakened and its name known,
"Edge of Oblivion" becomes entirely
black... where once just the edges were ebony,
now the blackness has spread across the entire
blade. The chill the blade radiates has increased
ten-fold, so much so that it is painful to hold
it for too long.
"Edge of Oblivion" does disintegration
damage every time it strikes an opponent... for
evert wound it causes, it also disintegrates the
flesh around the target area, simultaneously
cauterizing the wound as it strikes.
There is some speculation that a Sphere of
Annihilation has somehow been encaged within the
axe itself, but again this is only speculation.
Given that the planes are infinite, anything is
possible. |
Battle Axe
Damage: 2-9 Slashing
Enchanted: +1
THAC0: +1
Speed: 6
Weight: 4
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters
Closer examintation of the weapon reveals a
strange symbol, very faint, on the surface of the
axe head. Tracing it with your finger, there is a
sudden change and the axe head changes before
your eyes into a silvery-looking metal.
The edge is incredibly sharp, so much so it looks
like it could hack through stone if necessary.
The symbol you traced on the weapon is now
glowing brinlliantly, and if anything, the axe
has become even lighter than before, so much so
that you can almost wield it one-handed. |
Final Judgment
Damage: 5-15 Slashing
Enchanted: +2
Special: 1-6 Fire Damage to target
THAC0: +3
Speed: 10
Weight: 20
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Vhailor
Usable only by Lawful characters
This archaic double-bladed battle-axe is reminiscent of
an executioner's axe; the axe head has been forged into
the symbol of the Mercykiller Faction (a red dragon
with its wings outspread... the outstretched wings
have been shaped into the blades of the axe). The
axe itself is huge; even wielded two-handed, it would
require tremendous strength to use effectively. For a
spectral entity, Vhailor must be extremely strong.
This axe is as much a part of Vhailor as his armor, and
the axe itself carries part of Vhailor's essence within it.
As a result, it is utterly devoted to justice and will
not allow the user to rest while "judgments" are left to
be delivered. The considerable damage it causes to an
opponent is doubled if the axe strikes a guilty or chaotic
creature. Furthermore, the axe itself lends some of its
strength to the wielder, giving him added protection from
The origin of this axe is unknown. If you were to hazard a
guess, the axe gained its powers simply from Vhailor's
belief. If he were to die a second death, you don't know
what would happen to it.
Damage: 3-13 Slashing
Enchanted: +1
Special: Beserk when used
THAC0: +1
Speed: 7
Weight: 7
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters
Not usable by Good characters
It is not exactly clear in the annals of known
planar history when "Hatred's Gift" was
created, but by the bloody trail it has left
across the planes seems to have finally reached
The axe exists to inspire hatred in one's enemies
and fill its wielder with a berserker rage. When
entering combat, the skulls along the shaft come
alive, chittering their teeth, and the teeth
(remnants of fiendish victims absorbed into the
axe blade) extend outwards, biting and tearing
into opponents with each strike.
Once equipped, "Hatred's Gift" cannot
be dropped unless its curse is removed. |
Damage: 3-10 Slashing
Enchanted: +3
Special: 1-6 Electrical Damage
THAC0: +2
Speed: 6
Weight: 4
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters
A single teardrop of the wielder's blood, applied
at the border where the axe meets the handle, is
sufficient to awaken "Heartgrinder."
Once applied, the drop of blood freckles across
the blade and handle, giving it a dull red
radiance. The glow from Heartgrinder pulses,
matching the hearbeat of its wielder.
No matter what the target, Heartgrinder is a
powerful weapon, capable of tearing through
nearly any defenses. Against targets with blood
running in their veins (whether their own or
another's -- vampires beware), Heartgrinder
inflicts additional damage, as every stroke also
smashes the target's heart, no matter what
location the axe struck. |
Damage: 1-8 Slashing
Speed: 3
Weight: 5
Proficiency: Axes
Usable only by Fighters
This huge axe is a double-bladed weapon topped
with a spike. The edges are razor-sharp, and the
long handle allows the wielder to put
considerable force into the swing.
This axe is of a different alloy than normal
steel - it's *light* and easy to swing. It causes
the same amount of damage as an ordinary axe, but
it strikes much more quickly. |