Artist: Gorm
Title: "A nasty looking demon..."
A big bad demon. That's all there is to say, really...
Note: this image first appeared on Northshore
Artist: Gorm
Title: A couple of vrocks
This picture just oozes atmosphere. I love the background... Good one, Gorm!
Artist: Mark Mandolia
Title: Cloak
This is Cloak, about whom I have very little detail, except that he
originated outside of Planescape. Doesn't it look as though
he's found himself on the wrong plane at the wrong time?
Artist: Kraal
Title: Trickster
Now wouldn't it be surprising if this wicked little thing sprang out at
you? Pencilled and inked with brush on tracing paper.
Artist: Thomas Throop
Title: Gronk Stalking Prey
A gronk stalking prey in the swamp.
Artist: Thomas Throop
Title: Two Adventurers Run Afoul of a Gronk
Two adventurers run into some trouble in a snowstorm.